Monday, August 13, 2012

A Sedate Weekend

it seems that along with my renewed energy to blog, has come a push for me to do the gazillion other things on my to do this weekend.

that and the fact that i was displaying really annoying flu-like symptoms after 3 straight days of drinking on mon-wed last week. and going through abit of a social funk (i dont want to go out, but if i dont will i lose my friends? will i regret not having a good time rather than staying home and doing boring things? but didnt i just do this last week? will i lie on my deathbed regretting i didnt club this week? very deep existential qns basically.)

im proud to say that this week, i have accomplished the following :

- officially started on the travel wall : hung up the maps (which have been carried arnd daily for a mth) in preparation of planning for the aussie trip

- went through a bunch of the travel books

- organized my belt collection (which may not SEEM like a big deal, but now i am forced to face the fact that i have waaaay too many brown belts SO I NEED TO STOP BUYING. any reason to stop spending money is good.)

- went shopping (FOR NECESSITIES. thats not counted as frivolous. yes, silver accessories, sunglasses and eye cream are necessities.)

- read my book

- played my game

- ate a (semi) home-cooked bfast (admittedly the coffee was from a starbucks satchet, ham pre-packed, fish fingers from a box, and bread from a loaf... but at least i cooked the eggs myself!) whilst rewatching the ole fave, "Forrest Gump"

- ate damn good pasta

- AND FINALLY (after 6 mths of procrastination) REBOOTED MY LOVELY MACBOOK AIR.
seeing how ive almost thrown it out of the window (and did physically smack it against a wall in frustration once), felt that it would be healthy for both my sanity, my laptops physical wellbeing, and my wallet for me to do smth abt it.

gotta ♥ domo


not clubbing is really awesome for my productivity.

that and i realized i shld really take more photos - if im going to bore people with my day to day completions of menial tasks, at least couple them with pretty photos.

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