Sunday, August 19, 2012

Of lost phones and clubbing

and so for the gazillionth time, my phone is officially lost.

can now add to be never-ending list of misplaced phones, my 6 mth old iphone 4s.

so yes to the lucky bugger that managed to kope my phone, i hope smth not very nice happens to you (everything else that pops up in my head is too awful to officially document).

as it is, im trying to recall which i've lost at which point of time but im fast losing count.
aug 2012 : iphone 4s
feb 2012 : iphone 3gs
feb 2011 : BB Curve
jan 2011 : iphone 3gs

strangely enough, when i was younger (ahem, ok fine, i meant not yet an adult), i was also losing phones at exactly the same rate, but more misplacing (ie. leaving on cabs etc) cos of forgetfulness, rather than losing cos of drunkness and dark clubs. i seem to have overcome the leaving stuff in cabs now by making a conscious effort to check cabs before i leave. so i guess if i can make that a habit, i can make another conscious effort to not get drunk? ha ok just typing that out and i know i cant.

my speed of drinking increases at the same rate as my level of intoxication.
like a speeding out of control car whose brakes dont work.

i dont quite enjoy clubbing anymore, the constant throngs of people, the darkness (i swear im getting more and more night blind, think its an age thing), side stepping puke, never ending toilet queues and worst, is my total lack of ability to control my drinking speed.

back in the day it used to be "shit, ok must stop at 3 drinks cos thats all i can afford", now its more like "ITS FRIDAY! GO GO GO!" then out comes the bottles and its gg from there on out.

much as i wld like to push the blame to my party hardy colleagues (these are the girls who can club 2 days in a row - while im still nursing my hangover from the night before, theyll be asking "so, whats the plan tonite?"), i know its really a personal choice.

i love drinking. im ok with clubbing, but i fear losing out. like on mondays when everyone is back in office and they start discussing "omggggg, fri was epicccc etc", i just sit there feeling sad and wondering if i shld have gone. i dont wanna lie on my deathbed and wonder if i shld have clubbed more. but every single time i go, im just reminded of how i shld really stop doing this so often, for fear of losing my phone, my dignity and my carefully maintained image of a good girl (ok jkjk, that ship has sailed a long time ago).


friday was pretty epic. even by our lofty standards. table at mink, 5x champagne magnums, belvedere magnus, patron, jagermeisters, being chased by bouncers, apparently watching a crazy bottle hurling fight, policeman and ambulances, and calling my friend the next morning to tell me what happened in the 2 hours that my memory was blacked out.

at this point, ive given up beating myself up over nights like this, and just embrace the stupidity and irresponsibility of it all. i just hope that i manage to say to myself sometime soon "been there, done that, no need to revisit".

that and the fact that everything in your phone is now stored up there somewhere in the clouds, so losing your phone no longer means losing your life line. just buy a new phone, plug it in and you wont even know its gone (just that your wallet feels significantly lighter).

and i hope my 4s blows up in the douchewad's ear when he's using it.


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