Tuesday, January 15, 2013


DAY 1 of 21

aaaaaaand.... im back!

After an extended hiatus (so much for resolving to blog diligently ha), partially stemming from technical difficulties re passwords/usernames etc other unexciting problems, and the rest from my laziness to solve it, I AM FINALLY BACK YO.

Read an interesting article about how it takes 21 days to form a habit, so, as of 15 jan 2013, i will officially test out this theory

as with every other hiatus, first things first : UPDATES! (as of aug 2012)


- Involved a truckload of work related emotional crises 


Finished my most dreaded event of the year on a fairly satisfactory note

Finally made it to Australia (Sydney --> Blue Mountains --> Melbourne --> Gold Coast) for 2 awesome weeks.
- Except that Scoot managed to lose my luggage for a whole week and i spent 500AUD on a brand new wardrobe WHICH I AM STILL TRYING TO CLAIM FOR
- Except that I had to end up tying up loose ends and dealing with insane anxiety and anger issues brought about by sucky work matters for a whole week
- Except that total phone bills solving both these TOTALLY AVOIDABLE PROBS : SGD750


Finished another major event, re-evaluated work life, decided things needed to change, got all worked up and upset again, decided to "Keep Calm and....


Visit Shanghai!!!!!!"
Epic awesome impromptu trip cos of the company, despite having to take no-paid leave and already being in debt after Aus. 
- Except that I was pickpocketed of an iPhone4. At that moment, finally realised that its happened TOO MANY TIMES for me to get too upset over already.

Finished another pretty good event - realized that am getting quite good at these. Took me long enough -_-

3 nights of non stop (AND SUPER EXPENSIVE) crazy fun, but more due to my crazy beautiful colleagues.  To be honest, don't remember the music AT ALL. First ever zoukout i have really really thoroughly enjoyed.

Despite my yearly promise to myself that i will put more effort into celebrating this, it never seems to work out. Only thing i did that was even remotely Christmassey was buy a mini tree from IKEA which i'm planning to keep alive until next year. Only if it survives will I consider my life long wish of getting a dog.

Was at a setup till 12.15am, meaning i essentially spent the stroke of midnight with my clients/contractors (which wasn't actually as painful as i thought it'd be).
Impromptu sour plum shooters at Zouk with my favorite friend (48 shots shared by 2 over 2h) followed by crazy happy barefoot running around chasing cats (or so claims the friend) and randomly screaming "Happy New Year!" to everyone we passed at 4am in the morning. 

Jan 2013 thus far

Woke up to realise that I had acquired an unpretty bruise and an equally major abrasion from tripping and unglamorously sprawling in the middle of a traffic junction (also according to my friends' probably inaccurate account) the night before. Memorable bits for the day, finding a nasty chicken claw in my herbal soup, "Madagascan Chicken Sandwich" vs "Mediterranean Chicken Sandwich". And theres one funny moment which i swore i wld rmb, but more which i forgot. GREAT THIS IS WHY I NEED TO BLOG MORE.

Made some resolutions.
Broke a good few all within the first 2 days.


Thus far still a pretty good year. Finally made the time to get my life in order. Resolved some unresolved issues. Admitted to myself some not so pleasant truths. Finally decided to let go of some other bullshit. ACTUALLY MAKING IT TO GYM!!!!!!!

Finally starting to feel more adult.

2013 is gonna be a good year.
(Even my horoscope says so! Power of positive thinking!)

1 day down. 20 left to go.

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