Monday, January 21, 2013

and so this is how it ends (again)

Wow that was fast.
Ha, didn't even last 3 out of the 21 days.

And on hindisght, it is probably for the best that I shouldn't blog everyday cos I'm really not that interesting.

Case in point  :

Friday night - Mj, did a sweeeeeet ban se pong pong (zi mo sommore!), but still somehow managed to lose $60, had a nice conversation w the normster otw home whom I haven't met in AGES

Sat - work (where i almost died on 2hours of sleep), rewarded my own perseverance with awesome baja fresh burrito and guacamole and crashed by 8pm

Sun - work, bought pink lipstick, rosti and les mis

Nonetheless I guess the reason why I'm still bothering with an online account of my pretty standard, meh life is so I am finally accountable to people who actually read (hi Laremy! hi leemster!) vs. private diary entries which probably wouldnt see past Day 1/21. And seeing how one of the greatest regrets thus far in my life is not remembering half of it :( so yes, heres to more pictures and daily (ok fine, bi-weekly lah) recordings of my life.

Some other random musings

Men are like apps - its near impossible to find one that has the EXACT specs that fit your lifestyle. Sad.

To combat my ridiculous inability to get out of bed, I will thus forth embark on the R&D of
a) The Bed Tipper - where the bed tilts at the pre-set time so you are LITERALLY forced to roll out of bed
b) The Timed Coffee Machine - which actually is already in existence (but for a ridiculous price), so my plan is to do one cheaper using some hacks i found online - will update if it works hurhurhur.

Am going to watch a rollerderby training session soon - looks like a pretty epic sport to get into.

Ok yoga time.

1 comment:

  1. "Men are like apps - its near impossible to find one that has the EXACT specs that fit your lifestyle".

    LOL! Conversely, women are like smartphones - expensive, fragile and after a year or so you start hankering for a newer model with better specs!
