Thursday, January 17, 2013

Strike 1 of 3

That has GOT to be a record, failing a resolution on the day it was mad. 

Nonetheless, Day 2 of 21

Decided to give myself 3 chances before calling it quits.
Strike 1 of 3.

So yesterday I toyed with the idea of why I'm blogging - why not just have a diary? Generally since my posts are largely boring and day to day rather than provocative, thought challenging, or even informative posts. Neither do I have a gazillion photos to share. And I came up with zilch. We'll see how it goes. Perhaps simply cos typing is easier than writing. That and the backspace button is SO much more friendly and fun to use than blancko (I just googled how to spell that and for something that was absolutely an essential in every childs' pencil case back in the 90s, its extremely strange that I can't find it online).

Yesterday was ok I guess another one of them average days. Woke up late and panicked upon realising my Apple adaptor stolen by the boss to Myanmmar. Presentation with a new adaptor which colleague had to sprint to Vivo and back to buy. Work. Gangster Squad (good stuff, ridiculously fun), gym and grass.

Recently decided I better learn to start cooking before the mother moves out of the house. Googling how to cook mushrooms at this very moment. Gotta love google. Gonna make myself a healthy wrap with mushrooms. Heres to it being more yum than it sounds I'm hoping.

2 days down. 19 left to go.

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